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Zerindeki bak:Im ve gozetim ylikiimlillugunu, ba§kalarmm hayat1,. The residence permit granted to allow for recovery and reflection may be renewed for six months periods for reasons of safety, health or special circumstances of the victim. Ancak, ~rna suresinin altJ ay1 ge~mesi Mlinde cezada indirim yapilmaz. This person gives advice to the convict to persuade him to give up bad habits and to act with the conscious of his responsibilities for a good life; by establishing contact with the authorities or staff of the training institution, exchanged views about the progress of the convict; prepares quarterly reports about the behavior, social adaptation and progress of the convict to be submitted to the judge. However, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than three years in offences within the scope of first subsection; as for the offenses within the scope of second subsection, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than five years.
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FIRST CHAPTER. General Provisions. Risk Behavioral and Cause Affecting of Illegal Racing Motorcyclist in Khon Kaen, Thailand paying women primarily of Latino ethnicity for sex [17] [18][. The HUDOC database provides access to the case-law of the Court (Grand Chamber, Chamber and Committee judgments and decisions, communicated cases. Criminal Code. Law Nr. Passed On (Official Gazette No. dated ). ('Homosexual acts are only offences of relevance to the criminal law inasmuch as a dangerous strain must not be placed by homosexual experiences upon the sexual. FIRST VOLUME.Veri Sahiplerinin Hakları. Diger cezalarm be~te birine kadar1 indirilir. Bu işlevler arasında videolar gibi içerik yerleştirme veya web sitesindeki içerikleri sosyal medya platformlarında paylaşma yer alır. ARTICLE - 1 Punishment of imprisonment from one year to three years is imposed in case of execution of following acts contrary to the law by use of force or threat;. Bu haJ. ARTICLE 1 Any person who causes partition of the country by allowing another country to rule part or whole of Territorial land, or breaches National Unity, or shows consent to separation of certain portion of the territory under the sovereignty and administration of the State and executes acts aimed to weaken the independence of the State, is punished with heavy life imprisonment. ARTICLE 60 - 1 In case of conviction of a crime through participation of the organs or representatives of a legal entity subject to special law and operating under the license granted by a public institution or misuse of authorization conferred upon by this license, the court may decide cancellation of this license. ARTICLE 15 - 1 In cases where it is deemed necessary to carry out investigation to quantify the punishment, the minimum limit of legitimate aggravation and maximum limit of legitimate extenuation should be considered during the calculations. Mahkfun olunan ceza, siiresi ayru olmak ko~uluyla, kismen veya tamamen, akil hastalarma ozgii giivenlik tedbiri olarak da uygulanabilir. Mlinde, verilecek ceza yan oranmda indirilir. ARTICLE 44 - 1 A person, who is considered to have committed more than one offense through performance of an act, is punished from the offense which requires imposition of heavier punishment. There is no Black man as client interviewed here. MADDE 1. ARTICLE - 1 In case of prevention of activities of public institutions by use violence or threat or any other act contrary to the law, punishment of imprisonment is imposed from one year to three years. Both the public action and the punishment imposed thereof, is abated with all its consequences when the civil marriage ceremony is accomplished. However, in order for the court to give decision for suspension of the sentence;. Kullanıcı deneyimi ve web sitemizle gelecekteki etkileşimleri hızlandırmaya yardımcı olur. ARTICLE - 1 Any person who causes rise of urgent need for a thing supplied fro public use by abstaining from sale of certain goods or service, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years. ARTICLE - 1 Any person who benefits from a service rendered against payment through automatic machines, is sentenced to imprisonment from two months to six months, or imposed punitive fine. Ki~i etkin pi~manl1ktan yararlanmi~sa, davaya devam olunarak hakkmda cezaya hiikmolunur. Ancak, bu durumda verilecek ceza sekiz yil1 ge~emez. Arranging consideration of the goods which do not comply with the bid specifications in the evaluations,. ARTICLE - 1 Any person who publicizes information of which disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the legislative authorities due to confidentiality , is punished with imprisonment from three years to five years. Igi nedeniyle, i~ledigi fiilin hukuki anlam ve sonu9larm1 algilayamayan. Fiilin basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenmesi Mlinde, ceza yan oranmda artlnhr. ARTICLE - 1 Any person who makes untrue and exaggerated statements or spreads news for personal reasons in such a way to demoralize public causing anxiety and excitement during war time, also breaking resistance of the country against enemy, or executes acts that will cause injury of basic national interests, is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years. ARTICLE - 1 Any person who forces a person to perform an act contrary to the law; or to execute or not to execute a duty beyond his responsibility; or to derive unjust benefit from a thing by declaring his will to perform or not to perform an obligation which he is entitled to do so, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years and punished with punitive fine up to five thousand days. The therapy continues until these persons are saved from using alcohol or drugs. ARTICLE - 1 Any public officer who gives the impression that he is capable to perform a work which is beyond the scope of his duty, or has the power to convince others to perform the same although they are not entitled to do so, is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years. Drawing on original empirical data with men who buy sex, the book explores not only 'why men buy sex', but also the soc. Excluding offenses such as felonious homicide, felonious injury, plunder, swindling, production and trading of narcotic and harmful drugs or counterfeiting of valuable stamps, the decisions taken by the foreign courts may not be taken as basis in recidivism.