On the day after Christmaswe all voted to go see a movie and were torn between Black Swam BS and Harry Potter. It was good though, and Natalie Portman was amazing. And you know what? BS deserves a real review! The movie was awesome. In my opinion, BS was about a repressed, emotionally immature ballerina Nina who has a psychotic breakdown schizophrenia? when she earns the honor of dancing the Swan Queen. The Swan Queen requires you dance two roles with different personalities: the White Swan WS and the BS. Half of the movie is real, and half of the movie is what Nina sees and experiences as she has the breakdown. Sex drags Nina closer to becoming the BS as she has her breakdown. People were freaking out around her because she was comatose, not because she was bleeding out. What did YOU think of the movie?? What happened at the end? What was real and what was fake? So sorry! Healthy Tipping Point. Black Swan Analysis. Also, this was notable because BS was being shown at Epic Theaters. Maybe she had the first one at the bar with Lilly and the two guys, because Lilly confirmed they existed the next day. Not real! interested in the movie. I agree, but I think the movie was unfortunately realistic or close to realistic. Ballerinas really have that pressure on them. Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter. Search The Blog. Read by Topic: 10 Personal Questions 2 Hours 3 29 Before 29 1 Copyright © Healthy Tipping Point Blog Development by Web Symphonies. home about recipes Books Black Swan Nina And Lily Sex Race Recaps Contact × Close Panel.
She runs in and starts tearing everything down, and imagines Beth coming towards her with a bloody face, until her mother walks in and, astonished, asks Nina what she's doing. Nina confidently tells Thomas that she is ready to perform and goes to sit down in her dressing room, with Lily asking what's going on behind her. Nina initially turns it down and goes to the bathroom, where she sees Lily dropping the contents of the pill into her drink while chatting with two men. Despite her flawless performance as the White Swan, Thomas is not impressed by Nina's performance, stating she failed to capture the sensuality of the Black Swan. While in the wings she sees Lily flirting with one of the male dancers and also becomes distracted by Lily while they're dancing on stage; subsequently, during a lift, she loses concentration which causes the lead male to drop her.
Black Swan
Sign in. Black swan Nina & Lily. M views · 13 years ago more. Avenger_ “A7X” x95 He tries to corner her into having sex with him in order for her to get the role as Swan Queen, but Nina bites him, which he reads falsely as NOT REAL: Therefore, Lilly and Nina did not have actual sex (we know this because after sex, Lilly said something to Nina about being a ‘Good girl’ and then Images and videos of a sex scene featuring dancers Nina Sayers (Portman) and Lily (Kunis) have received hundreds of thousands of hits online and This video may be inappropriate for some users.Later, when her mother tucks her in, Nina tells her she can go to Thomas the next day and tell him she finished the Black Swan dance, but her mother tells her there is no need to lie and Nina nods in defeated agreement. Edit page. She goes for the door but her mother has locked the door and removed the door knob. She playfully asks Nina if she was any good but Nina gets embarrassed and leaves, looking uncomfortable and frustrated, wondering if her lovemaking with Lily had really happened or not. Nina is furious and gets out of bed. Lily arrives, sees Nina crying, and lights a cigarette as she walks up. when she earns the honor of dancing the Swan Queen. Lily enters the studio and tries to comfort Nina, offering her a cigarette. She then calls down the hall for her mother, walking toward her mother's art studio, hearing voices coming from the studio. Nina and Lily first meet when Lily, as a new dancer, arrives late to the ballet studio where Nina performs, distracting Nina during her audition for the role of the Swan Queen on the upcoming Swan Lake performance. Lily playfully asks her to stay with her, but Nina leaves anyway. Thomas will do anything to get that passion out of her. However, after Lily implies that their encounter never happened, many fans started to formulate theories that still supported the ship, which can be found in the TV Tropes page for Black Swan. Many of the ballerinas in the company aspire for the lead, which would have previously gone to the company's former principle dancer Beth Macintyre before her forced retirement. It was good though, and Natalie Portman was amazing. The next day the company is practising and a girl runs in, crying hysterically. Design a site like this with WordPress. She visits Beth in the hospital where she finds her room filled with beautiful flowers and cards wishing her a quick recovery. Nina yells at her to get out of her room. Later, when Nina's mother is helping her dress for bed she sees scratches on Nina's back, and asks what they are from. Nina asks who it was but Erica says it was no one, so Nina demands to know again and when Erica still won't tell her she runs to the door and opens it. That night, Nina and her mother are working on Nina's toe shoes. He takes Nina back to his place. Nina turns it down. Administrators ArtDraw12 Comicxzz Fitzaby KEI6OS RABNerd VP Tizmoa. Also, this was notable because BS was being shown at Epic Theaters. Leroy is honest however in telling her that while he has no doubt she can handle the role of the white swan, he's not sure she can handle the role of the black swan. The following article is based on a subject that has no agreed upon name; the current title is merely a placeholder and is subject to change. As a result, Thomas Vincent Cassel is looking for a new face to be the lead. Nina gets angry with Lily the next day, after Thomas angrily asks her if she needs to take a break since Lily told him to go easier on Nina.