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Türk Halk Edebiyatı El Kitabı. (Editör: M. Öcal Oğuz). KAYNAKÇA. Aça, M.; Ekici, M.; Yılmaz, A. M. (). Conclusion: The results show that pediatric residents have insufficient knowledge about tobacco control and cannot guide adolescents in smoking intervention. “Anonim Halk Edebiyatı”.

To browse Academia. In this article, we introduced the basics, theoretical roots, and some techniques of positive psychotherapy PPT. We also included some of the criticism regarding the approach, our suggestions for future research, and how this modality can be improved. Positive psychotherapy was developed by Nossrat Peseschkian in the s, and it's a humanistic psychodynamic psychotherapy. Focusing on the resources of the individual, it is mostly a short-term, culturally sensitive approach. This modality mostly works by increasing positive emotions, which makes it a positive psychology approach. Although more research is needed, there is evidence that it works well with depression cases and even schizophrenia. The PPT model incorporates multiple components to promote therapeutic change, and these components include pleasure, developing engagement, and meaning. In clinical practice, positive psychotherapy utilizes five stage treatment strategy. But PPT is not without downsides. Even though it is said to be a very balanced approach that focuses equally on the positive and the negative, it still has the tendency to focus too much on the positive and oversimplify mental disorders. Because of this, we suggest that PPT strives even more to become a really balanced approach, instead of just being in contrast with mainstream psychotherapy. But still, it is a useful and valuable therapy approach that has a lot of promise. The aim of this study is to discuss positive psychotherapy in general terms and concepts. Positive psychotherapy is an important psychotherapy approach founded in by Nossrat Peseschkian. Since the s, it has become more known. It is a combination of psychodynamic, existential, cultural, and behavioral theories. The word positive here means the actual, the real. The psychotherapist helps the client to see and understand the problem by making the current symptom more understandable. Positive psychotherapy also has Vivien Budapest Escort 24 Age positive view of people. He argues that people are inherently good and should focus on the good aspects they have. It has three main principles: Hope, balance, and counseling. Positive psychotherapy is based on the balance model. By interpreting the symptoms positively, it is aimed for the client to approach the balance. It tries to explain the symptoms with its primary and secondary abilities. It aims to strengthen the positive resources of individuals to cope wit It is a multicomponent model promoting therapeutic change by developing engagement, pleasure and meaning. There is some evidence it is effective for depression. PPT is recommended as a flexible model that can be applied to other patient groups alongside other treatments approaches. However, it remains unclear which of the many components are applied. Objective: The aim was to identify how PPT is applied in mental health care. Narrative synthesis was used for analysis. Results: Twelve papers from nine studies were found which widely applied some PPT components e. However, papers poorly described the intervention and rationale for applying components. Conclusions: Given the lack of rationale for applying PPT, further research is needed to establish which components are acceptable and feasible for use in different patient groups and settings. This chapter offers a review of what is called positive psychotherapy PPT and the existing positive psychology clinical interventions PPIs currently being used in the field. We examine their efficacy and use within clinical and non-clinical populations. We further review the 24 character strengths, also used in PPT, as an adjunct to therapy and their corresponding over-and underuse. The chapter is further supplemented by the work of a Jordanian positive psychologist currently using PPIs and the principles of positive community development in different refugee hosting areas in Jordan. The lessons provided will be of value to clinicians in the region and Vivien Budapest Escort 24 Age. A field concerned with well-being and optimal functioning, positive psychology aims to broaden the focus of clinical psychology beyond suffering and its direct alleviation. Our proposed conceptual framework parses happiness into three domains: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. For each of these constructs, there are now valid and practical assessment tools appropriate for the clinical setting. Additionally, mounting evidence demonstrates the efficacy and effectiveness of positive interventions aimed at cultivating pleasure, engagement, and meaning. We contend that positive interventions are justifiable in their own right.

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